• 概述


大卫·芬奇 鲁妮·玛拉 丹尼尔·克雷格等主演的《《龙纹身的女孩》片场特辑》是一部纪录片。  A look at the necessity of shooting in Sweden, with emphasis on the country's culture, history, climate, and politics as they play central to the story-line. Also examined is the country's film industry. The supplement offers viewers a glimpse into shooting at the end of the process in Sweden and provides a very brief glimpse into the celebration that followed. It discusses the casting Armansky of actor Goran Visnjic playing the role of Salander's employer at Milton Security. Goran Visnjic works with David Fincher in shaping the character and his performance. additionally this supplement combines a look at the work and style of David Fincher along with the process of shooting some of the scenes in Martin Vanger's house.


完整的接近四个小时,看得我好困 林奇讲话真的好有魅力啊,他说什么话我都觉得好像应该信,他那种姿态就是很轻松又胜券在握,我一向都是忧心忡忡然后做事稀巴烂。 影视制作流程真的好复杂,特效十分炫酷

  A look at the necessity of shooting in Sweden with emphasis on the country's culture history climate and politics as they play central to the story-line. Also examined is the country's film industry. The supplement offers viewers a glimpse into shooting at the end of the process in Sweden and provides a very brief glimpse into the celebration that followed. It discusses the...

宝:我拍了87天,虽然有点小骄傲,但索德伯格最近一部只拍了58天,these f*cking people


站位、手势、语气、音量、词句... 第一部分就把我看累了,一个看似不经意的片段,一位较为边缘的配角,以及所有出现在片中的一切都经历层层筛选,他们反复斟酌,一遍又一遍地将时间与经费抛诸脑后,只为最恰当的画面呈现。 Fincher说杀青时他才觉得自己知道该如何拍这部电影,Rooney说她原以为自己无能为力,拍完后觉得自己有点能干呢。 一心一意造梦的电影人们不仅能拍出好电影,也能培养出好演员,和为之后...