• 概述


詹姆斯·贝鲁什 米盖尔·弗尔 彼得·博伊尔 切尔西.菲尔德 安东尼·海德 帕丽斯·杰斐逊等主演的《机密追缉令》是一部动作片。  Royce is a member of the ultra-secret service Black Hole, working for the US Government on top-secret missions. When the senator responsible for forming Black Hole disbands the organization, Royce's fellow Black Hole members plot revenge on the man responsible for them losing their jobs. Royce decides not to join them, instead deciding to thwart their attempts to exact revenge on the senator.


  Royce is a member of the ultra-secret service Black Hole working for the US Government on top-secret missions.   When the senator responsible for forming Black Hole disbands the organization   Royce's fellow Black Hole members plot revenge on the man responsible for them losing their jobs.   Royce decides not to join them instead deciding to thwart their attempts to exact reveng...